
  • Dr Calvin Jones Hwy & S Main St Wake Forest, NC, 27587, USA - Wake Forest
    When southbound on S. Main street (hwy 1) at the Dr Calvin Jones hwy (98) intersection, there is NO right turn arrow to signal that it is safe to turn right (onto the westbound lane) when traffic in the east bound left turn lane on 98 is turning into S main (northbound).
    There IS a left turn arrow on the opposite side for north bound traffic on S main to turn right onto 98 onto the eastbound lane.
  • 112 Elm Avenue Zebulon, NC, 27587, USA - Wake Forest
    When driving north on S Main St, just before elm, there is a 'no right turn on red' sign just on the right hand side of the road, before the traffic signals. The sign also has an applicable times placard attached.
    However, you cannot see this sign, or the time restrictions because there is a tree or tree branches right in front of it that completely obscures it.
  • 11001-11069 Ligon Mill Rd Wake Forest, NC, 27587, USA - Wake County
    Traffic exits Wegmans on the Ligon Mill Road exit and must turn right (yellow arrow). A lot of traffic really wants to go left so they drive to the opening indicated by the orange arrow and make a U turn rather than make the U turn at the signal on the corner of Reynolds Mill Rd and Ligon Mill rd (this junction is also 'tight' to make a U turn here but considerably safer than the earlier opening).
    This opening does not appear to be made to accommodate a U turn or even a left turn with the result that often the turning vehicle has it's tail end sticking out into Ligon Rd where it then blocks traffic in the left lane traveling from the 98 junction towards Reynolds Mill Rd.
    This becomes especially dangerous if oncoming traffic prevents the turning vehicle from quickly vacating the opening.
    The opening in the Median should be closed or otherwise obstructed so as to make a U turn here impossible or at least signed as a no U trun opening (not that that will really make a difference, people will just ignore it) but it would be better than nothing.